Friday, March 30, 2012

Going to MB next Wednesday the 12th????

My mother, aunt and cousin are headed off to MB for the first time Wednesday the 12th for a long weekend. I haven%26#39;t been to any beach for 6 years so we%26#39;re super excited. Although, checking the forecast it shows rain and thunderstorms.... bummer! I%26#39;m so disappointed. :(

How likely is it that it will rain the entire time and ruin our trip?

Since we havent been to MB we%26#39;re not sure what to expect.

Also this possibility of tropical storm on the Atlantic has me worried... we REALLY need this trip!!!!!!

Please help!

Going to MB next Wednesday the 12th????

From what I%26#39;ve been hearing it sounds like the current storm should be in and out of area by the time you get there. Supposed to hit Saturday or Sunday.

Read a post on another board that it%26#39;s turning east as it heads north. Might brush coast with some rain and heavy surf. It is Mother Nature. Won%26#39;t know for sure until it happens.

I wouldn%26#39;t worry about extended forcast into next week. Seldom is 100% correct. Even if it does rain it%26#39;s not like up here. Might rain for an hour and the next hour be bright sunshine. Most storms are scattered. Might be raining in MB and clear in NMB. Or vice versa. Been making beach trips for 40+ years. Have never had one ruined by weather.

Going to MB next Wednesday the 12th????


try not to worry.. we have been going for at least 15 years.. and

only ran into one storm..and we left the condo..but stayed in the area..

If you look carefully and historically, it calls for ';scattered'; showers almost always on the coast. Frankly, I%26#39;ve only had rain once and it was in October. I wouldn%26#39;t fret too much.

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