Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Medieval Times or Dixie Stampede

Hi - My husband, my 3 year old and I are going to be in Myrtle Beach next weekend. I was wondering if anyone had some advice on which of these two dinner theaters - Medieval Times or Dixie Stampede - would be better for my 3 year old? I think he%26#39;d love to watch the horses in either show, but am not sure which has more action to keep his attention. Or, should we skip the entire dinner theater thing and wait until he%26#39;s older? Thanks so much.

Medieval Times or Dixie Stampede

I have been to both, and enjoyed them both. For a 3 yr. old, Dixie Stampede would be better. Mideivil is pretty much ';fighting'; with swords and spiked balls on chains, etc., and the lighting is dark. Food is the best for dinner shows. Dixie Stampede is very family friendly, with bright colored costumes and lots of audience participation (he%26#39;ll/she%26#39;ll get a kick out of the person riding an ostrich). Food is very good for dinner theater (right under mideivil). You will all enjoy Dixie Stampede, as there is varied entertainment throughout the show - very enjoyable way to pass the evening.

Medieval Times or Dixie Stampede

I agree - for the 3 year old it%26#39;s Dixie Stampede

In March we went to the Dixie Stampede with our then 2 1/2 year old and she really enjoyed it. I wasn%26#39;t sure how it was going to go but it couldn%26#39;t have been any better for her. It really kept her attention the entire time.

We have been to both but I prefer Dixie Stampede.

We have been to both and I%26#39;d also recommend Dixie Stampede for the little ones. Food is about the same at both shows.

I ( being an adult most of the like Midievil Times. But I agree ~ for a 3 yr old ~ Dixie Stampede is best. I think if you son will sit on your lap the whole time ( yeah yeah I know ) you may not have to pay for him.

My daughter went to MT when she was about 5 and the swords and sparks really scared her.

I would choose Dixie Stampede. We have seen both and Medevial Times just did not stack up. We are repeat customersof Dixie Stampede but once was more than enough of Medieval Times. The facility was old . The lighting was dark where the food was served. I could harldy see to eat my dinner. We found the show to be boring . It was the same thing over and over. Good knights fighting bad knights. Don%26#39;t waste your time or money on Medival Times.

Thanks everyone! We%26#39;ve decided to take everyone%26#39;s advice and try Dixie Stampede. I bought my son a seat though - he%26#39;s really squirmy and always wants to sit in his own space like a ';big boy.'; I%26#39;ll have to post how it was when we get back! Thanks again.

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