Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Club Libby Lu/Build a Bear? Which One?

I have an 18 month old daughter and we are going to MB in late September. We are looking for fun things to do with her. We are definately going to the aquarium. Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance

Club Libby Lu/Build a Bear? Which One?

Haven%26#39;t heard of Club Libby Lu.....Build A Bear is so much fun. But not sure if an 18 month old would really enjoy it. And it can be expensive. Two years ago my 10 yr old and I went thru....she did a ';Build a Monkey';....I think I had more fun than she did. The monkey started out at $12 ......we walked out paying $56 (clothes, shoes, accessories) LOL

She might enjoy feeding the fish at Broadway at the Beach. Cheap fun. Oh and running thru the water fountains. Cool! Take a video camera!

Club Libby Lu/Build a Bear? Which One?

Club Libby Lu is for older girls to get a make over( Hair, make up nails). Not for a 18 month old. The fountains are nice and there are a lot of fish swimming in the water at Broadway at Beach.

18 mos are happy sitting playing in the sand, you don%26#39;t have to ';do'; anything. Put her in her stroller and walk around Broadway, looking at the ducks and fish, there is a small ';kiddie'; amusement park at Broadway but not sure there is much an 18 mos old can do. I would enjoy the fact you don%26#39;t really have to spend money on her, you will have years and years ahead of you to do just that. Attach a baloon to her stroller, give her some goldfish or cheerios to snack on-she is good to go!

And I think the aquarium is probably bit much as well, my 25 mos old grandson did not really get the full effect of it, I told my daughter not worth the money and I got a local discount for her, but she wanted to go more then he did. So if you want to go fine, but do not spend the $ for something she won%26#39;t remember if you are doing it just for her.

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