Friday, March 30, 2012

MB ocean VS NJ shore ocean

is there a difference between MB ocean water %26amp;

New Jersey ocean water?

MB ocean VS NJ shore ocean

From what I%26#39;ve been told there%26#39;s quite a bit of difference in the water temperature. The Myrtle Beach ocean water is much warmer.

I%26#39;ve never been to New Jersey but this is what I%26#39;ve heard from a friend of mine.


MB ocean VS NJ shore ocean

Sister lived in Red Bank area of Jersey. Always said there was no comparison between the two. SC beaches are much wider with more surf.

The ocean water in SC is much warmer, and it will stay warm enough to swim at least into October. Surf depends on which beaches you are comparing and on which day.

Thanks Guys!

I LOVE the fact that it will still be warm early October -

Is it clearer than Jersey Shore?


Yes I have been to Wildwood many times in late July-August and it was ok but not as warm as Myrtle Beach. We just came back from there and it was very nice to swim in, very warm.

Much of the SC beach is absolutely pristine. MB is not as pristine as some because the area is heavily developed.

The ocean water is not clear, like in the Caribbean, but it is not polluted. The Atlantic Ocean churns up a lot of natural silt.

I live in NJ and come to MB each year. The water is better in MB than NJ, warmer and clearer, and no beach tags required either!


Hoping the water still be warm enough to swim

%26amp; the air temps will be nice.

I don%26#39;t know about NJ beaches, but living in Maryland I know you can%26#39;t walk on the beach past a certain time of the evening in our Ocean City. In Myrtle Beach I enjoy walking around 8 or 9 pm and there are loads of people walking too!

That%26#39;s terrible that you can%26#39;t walk on the beach after dark in OC,

we can in the family towns at the NJ shore but not Seaside or

places like that.

I hope we go to MB because I really don%26#39;t want to drive an extra

9 hours to Florida. It will all depend on the temps then.


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