Friday, April 13, 2012

Anyone have feedback on a Hurricane Fleet Dolphin Adventure

I%26#39;m heading to Crescent Keyes in NMB on Saturday and was interersted in taking the family (to include 2 kids ages 5 and 8) on a dolphin tour of some sort. I read about going to Cherry Grove Pier and how you can sometimes view from there, and also came upon a post about Hurricane fleet. I was curious if any of the past posters had tried the dolphin tour and what it was like, was it worth it, etc...

Hoping for some hits...

Anyone have feedback on a Hurricane Fleet Dolphin Adventure

I haven%26#39;t but alljemms who posts on here did it in April and said she really liked it. There are coupons in the monster coupon book, get one when you get to town, any convenience store, grocery store, retail outlet should have them. Lots of good discounts.

Anyone have feedback on a Hurricane Fleet Dolphin Adventure

Thanks! I think my family and I will take the plunge then and give it a try... For some strange reason seeing dolphins seems like FUN...

They are beautiful and graceful in the water, we see them frequently when we go out on the Intracoastal Waterway in a boat. They play in the wake and its just wonderful, you will be as excited about seeing them as your children.

hi hunterdeal . do you likeyoure condo 1103 in crescent keyes and it is oceanfront thank

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