Wednesday, April 18, 2012

End of September visit

I will be in Myrtle Beach around the 20th of September. I was wondering if the ocean will still be warm enough to swim in. I know it will be much cooler than mid-summer, but is it still doable?

End of September visit

I think you will find the ocean temp in September very refreshing! Its almost too hot right now to swim, IMO....and the skys are beautiful in Spetember too!


End of September visit

I once went to the outer banks of NC during late October. I swam in the ocean several times that week and it was great. I%26#39;d assume that SC beaches would be even warmer that time of year.

I don%26#39;t think it is cooler swimming in September, actually the water felt colder in July, maybe it was just the ambient temperature was so hot it made it feel colder. September is a great time to go, and the water is plenty warm to swim.

We will be there the last 3 weeks of September. As always!! the water temp is great.close to 80 degrees. We think this is the best time to be there.With less crowds and perfect weather who could ask for more?

I%26#39;m glad you asked that question because I was going to if I didn%26#39;t find an answer on here. We will be down the 26th of September %26amp; am really excited. It will be my kids first trip to the beach %26amp; want them to experience everything!

They weather is fantastic...after coming in Sept or Oct you will be done with ';summer'; months forever!

You will love the water in late September. We go the last week of September every year and have for over 20 years. It is my favorite time of the year there. We always swim in the ocean.

This will be our second trip to MB the week of Labor Day ( I have been to MB about 6 other times, but in July and Aug) and I must say my o my what a difference a couple of months makes. Now granted, the first of Sept is different than the last, but I must tell you that last year the water was PERFECT and everyone just disappeared after Labor Day and we had run of the mill on everything (hotel, beach, and restaurants--NO WAIT). I personally think you%26#39;ve chosen a great time to go to MB.

I am glad I found this post, because I was just about to ask the same thing. We will be in MB from September 22 - 29. I am kind of nervous about what it will be like. We usually go in July.

I was also wondering, do things close down after Labor Day? I know up here (Jersey, Delaware, Md) it seems like if you go after Labor Day, only about half of things are open. I love going to Broadway at the Beach and Barefoot Landing. Can you still do everything that you can do in July?

Plug this link into your browser. The chart shows MB%26#39;s ocen temp at 81 usually in Sept. We were there in July and it was 83 so still very warm in Sept.

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