Monday, April 16, 2012

Looking for day tour of Charleston, SC from Myrtle Beach

During our Easter vacation to MB, while looking at those little coupon books I noticed a tour that goes to Charleston I wondered if anyone has taken the tour. I can%26#39;t remember that much except

the rate was around 100.00 per person your transportation is provided by deluxe motorcoach and that included a tour by carriage

of Charleston. I would like to know if it would be worth the money

if anyone else has gone on the tour.

Leaving in 13 hours!! Still packing!! Cant wait!!

Looking for day tour of Charleston, SC from Myrtle Beach


Have a safe and FUN trip! We leave in 8 days.

Looking for day tour of Charleston, SC from Myrtle Beach

Cee Ann,

I am still home...we own a small business and I am still sitting here doing final billing for the week (10 days away from the business is a long time) So much to do so little time to do it.

I am packed and it feels like we are taking the entire house :)

I have my laptop already packed so I will send you a post late tonight or tomorrow.

I have packed my beach chairs for my son but I think we have decided to just rent from the life guards for the week.

If I don%26#39;t talk to ya again have a great trip.

Did you ever take the tour...we%26#39;re heading for MB next month and want to drive to Charleston. I hadn%26#39;t considered a tour to Charleston. What did you end up doing and what did you do in Charleston? Any info would appears there so much to do making the choice hard for just a day trip.

Thanks Donna

A couple of years ago my husband and I did a Grayline tour to Charlseton. We stopped at a plantation on the way. It included a boat tour of the harbor with a boxed lunch and a carriage ride thru Charlseton. The carriage ride left you off near the straw market and you had time to shop before returning to MB. I believe we went in September of 2005. I thought it was a good way to see Charlseton.

I can not remember how much it cost.

Charleston is only hr and half from Myrtle and the carriage ride u can get for like $29 as a combo with a harbor cruise tour. My advice would be drive urself and save the money. Its a straight shot down US Hwy me u cant get lost and lots of signs. I prefer Charleston to Myrtle anyday. I think once you get there u will see 1 day is not enough time to enjoy it! Theres the plantations, the aquariums, harbor tours...etc

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