Monday, April 16, 2012

Palmetto Dunes vs. Sea Pines

Planning on an extended family vacation August 2008 for a week. Grandparents, and two families each with 2 children ranging in age from 9 years old to 14 years old. We golf, bicycle, swim, horseback, etc. We want at least a 5 BR house so we can all stay together. Looks like Palmetto Dunes and Sea Pines have large houses and Palmetto Dunes rental fees seem lower.

Any suggestions on which area may be better to stay?

Palmetto Dunes vs. Sea Pines

I don%26#39;t really think that either area is more expensive than another. Renting houses in Hilton Head is like anywhere else. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION

Are you looking at oceanfront in SeaPines and comparing it to second or third row in Palmetto Dunes. Just find something that is suitable and make the comittment.

Of all the things you do, the only place that has a stable is SeaPines. You can golf, bicycle, play tennis, in both places.

SeaPines is slightly older and larger than PD. It also has some things that the kids will prefer, such as Harbortown and South Beach Marina, with the famous Salty Dog Cafe.

You should also check out Forest Beach or Singleton Beach, as they also have some minihotel homes available. These may be slightly cheaper, since the area is ungated.

Stan (hhiguy)

Palmetto Dunes vs. Sea Pines

I am partial to PD. I have always stayed there and just find it more comfortable. Sea Pines is so big and i just don%26#39;t like that as much. That said the only stables are in Sea Pines but if you only plan on doing that once than it is an easy drive.

We always rent in Palmetto Dunes. Much more laid back, IMHO. Sea Pines is one big traffic jam w/everyone looking for a parking spot in the evenings. We don%26#39;t even go there anymore - can get the same thing for free %26amp; w/o the crowds at Shelter Cove.

We enjoy both areas though next year we are going w/my parents and we are going back to Sea Pines (Beachside Tennis) because they prefer to be able to walk across the street over to South Beach Marina to get their coffee and shop. I don%26#39;t think SP is any more crowded than Shelter Cove near PD (at least in June when we go) and actually, we stayed at PD this summer and spent most of our time at South Beach for the horseback riding, Harbour Town to listen to Gregg Russell and Salty Dog area for shopping. Salty Dog is crowded in the evenings but not bad during the day. PD does have a nicer beach.

Sea Pine is our favorite spot. You feel like you are on a more secluded area. We love the trails and biking. The beach access is very convenient. You will not be dissatisfied with its amenities.

I would go with PD. We have been both places and PD seemed much more pleasent and laid back. The beach is nicer and it has great bike paths.

In my opinion, I think that the main difference is that Palmetto Dunes is much more beach focused, with lots of beach front houses and condos and most of the activity being about the beach, though there is golf and tennis as well, but, that is really everywhere on the island.

Sea Pines offers more ';things to do';: Harbour Town and the restaurants and live music, playground, etc. South Beach Marina and the restaurants and entertainment there, the Beach Club with live music, the shopping, the Stables, plus the golf %26amp; tennis.

This is not to say 1 is better than the other, I don%26#39;t think there is a black and white answer to that.

If your goal is an oceanfront place, I feel there there are a lot of times more options in PD.

If your goal is to be close and convenient to restaurants and entertainment, I think Sea Pines is better. Though Shelter Cove is right across from PD, I think these is less going on there, particularly for children, and I don%26#39;t like the dining selections.

Sea Pines on its own is a destination for an evening or a day that many people make regardless of where they are staying. I don%26#39;t see the other plantations that way as much.

All of that being said, I think it comes down to what you want out of what you are staying. Both are very nice and you%26#39;ll love both!

I have to go with PD...not because we have a house there that we rent to others and enjoy ourselves throughout the year... but because it seems so much less crowded than SP...and I like being so close to the Fresh Market, etc. I love the bike path and the beach is better in my opinion... just less crowded, really, quieter... we dont%26#39; have a beach front home, but on the golf course there... I enjoy biking to the beach, makes it more of a thing to do... so don%26#39;t hesitate to look past beachfront, etc. if you aren%26#39;t...

Sea Pines is just a cut above PD in character and charm. It is just one step more peaceful yet with all of the amenities to keep you busy without the major hotel activity. You will not go wrong with either, but we much prefer Sea Pines.

Well see...looks like neither one is really bad, just that some prefer one over the other! Looks like ya have to stay at both, and and then on your third trip down to HHI you can pick your favorite ;-)

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