Friday, April 13, 2012


We are staying in a condo in NMB for 6 nights in Sept.; however, we need a hotel room for the Saturday we arrive. Would like to be ocean front in a lively area. Am considering Camelot by the Sea or the Caribbean. Aahh, but the kicker (always a kicker!) is we must pick up our daughter at MBI airport at 4:30PM that Saturday. Altho Cam/Car don%26#39;t appear to be too far from MBI, I am wondering if someplace further south (i.e., the Grand Atlantic or the Hampton Oceanfront) would be even more convenient? We will have spent the day driving from Beckley WV so want to minimize any add%26#39;l time in the car.

Also, if we were to get delayed, Plan B is for her to take airport transportation. Is there a shuttle service that runs a scheduled route or is it just offered by certain individual hotels?

Thanks for any input.


I suggest you check with your hotel directly about shuttle service. As for the drive, we stay very near to NMB and do not find the drive to the airport that long. We drive 15 hours to get to MB so the trip to the airport is quite short compared to our drive! Take the Grissom Highway and save some time. The Coastal Mall is very close to the airport so you could always plan to get a late lunch (maybe Abuelo%26#39;s?) and then have her call you as soon as her plane lands. You%26#39;ll get to the airport about the same time she is at baggage claim.

And, by the way, my mom was born in Coal City!


Beach Cove Resort in NMB used to advertise free airport shuttle. I%26#39;ve never stayed at the property but I think it%26#39;s reviews are pretty good.

keeppaddin---just notice your post that you are driving from Beckly, WV to MB. Not sure what route you are taking---but I would like to help you with the route that we would drive coming in from Michigan.

I know most people come down I-77 and once they get into N. Carolina they start cutting over and head down towards Greensboro, and they towards Ashboro. Once you get much past Ashboro it turns into all highwway, thru small towns etc. Then you end up in Florence, SC and make your ways down to MB. Now we USED to go that way. We found that staying on I-77 all the way into

S. Carolina to Colombia, where you will pick up I-20 and head East.

than you will still end up in Florence, than continue on whatever directions you have to get to your hotel./condo. Mile wise it is about 45 miles more, however since it is all expressway (no turns, small towns) we save 2 hours off our drive time! And you don%26#39;t have to worry about the smalltown police officer writing you a ticket. If you want to Mapquest it, use your starting point and mapquest to Mooresville, NC (where we would stop) than from Mooresville, NC to your EXACT hotel address. I also know that Beckly, WV was a little over 1/2 way for us (Detroit area), but we found driving the OLD way the 2nd half took longer (becasue of the 55 mph, and small towns). We could make it from Detroit to Mooresville in about 10 hours (pulling a camper), incl. stops for brfst, and lunch. Than we had about 4-5 hours after that

Thanks for the help. Like the idea of lunch at Abuelo%26#39;s! Based on this forum it was already on ';my list';.

Our condo rental starts Sunday so we just need a hotel for Saturday. I was just wondering if - even in mid-September - Saturday afternoon congestion/traffic is heavy enough that I should make closeness to the airport a main factor in what hotel to pick. But if the drive to the airport usually isn%26#39;t that bad, I won%26#39;t worry about this issue.

LuvMbeach - appreciated the travel adivce. We will actually be leaving from FIndlay OH. How do you get from I-75 (I assume) to I-77?

The far south end (highest # Aves South) would be closest to the airport, you have Compass Cove %26amp; Crowne Reef down that way, both nice places, I%26#39;m just wondering if it might be difficult to just get a room for Sat. night only, better start checking.

Just wondering...are you a kayaker? If so, are you bringing it with?

KeepPaddin--I am a little confuse---you stated that you were have spent the day driving from Beckley, WV which is right on I-77---this is why I gave you the directions that we take. However, when I look at a map Findlay (where I think your home is) is off I-75. Correct??? Are you coming down I-75???

Well, I know there is way that people come in from Michigan and Ohio that is taking I-75 down. Not sure exactly how it runs or the exact directions, but I believe they take I-75 thru Kentucky, than Tennesse and somewhere around Knoxville and cutting over and down not sure how to go from there. Taking I-75 route you would not be going thru W. Virginia. I have heard people from my area taking this route and liking it.

We just did not like North Carolina past Ashboro (220 to 1 etc)

Let me know if we can help

Check out for the single night you need on arrival and for airport shuttle service. Avista is a new resort in NMB and it%26#39;s right on the ocean with very reasonable 1-3 bedroom condos.

From Findley you have two choices. A shorter direct route or the longer with higher average MPH. Actual time will be close to the same.

Longer miles, all cruise control.....

I 75 south to Knoxville

I 40 east to Ashville

I 26 south to Columbia

I 20 east to Florence


Fewer miles, slower speeds, more turns to look for....

Rt 23 south to Columbus

I 270 around Columbus or I71 through Columbus

Back on Rt 23 south to Chilcothie

Rt 35 south/east to Winfield WV

Rt 34 south to I 64

I 64 east to Charleston

I 77 south

Another possiblility that has popped up a few times lately is Rt 33 east out of Columbus over to Ravenswood WV and picking up I 77 there. Ran that way last month. Less traffic compared to Rt 35. Not a bad drive.

Beckley to MB is in 7-8 hour drive range depending on driving habits..

Sorry - we don%26#39;t actually intend to take I-75 at all. We will go thru Columbus and then wind our way down to I-77. I was just curious how others from this neck of the woods do this. (Thanks for your input Pop.) Our friends also give us differing opinions on when to cut east. Mapquest routes us east at Mt Airy NC. I%26#39;m sure it%26#39;s six of one and half dozen of the other (and a little bit of luck with regard to road conditions and weather!)

the Mt. Airy is the way Mapquest (yahoo and AAA) does route you, and this is the way most people go. The problem we found with this route is that you will head towards Greensboro then you will head south on 73/74 (still expressway) BUT once you get past Ashboro, NC and pick up 220 to 1 (to whatever) this will be highway driving, 4 lanes and NO MORE than 55 mph, even slower when you hit the small towns. I would advise you to watch your speed at all times (don%26#39;t even go 3 mph over). The small town sheriffs loves to give tickets. This way is about 50 miles shorter than the way we go, however time wise it is a LOT slower.

We have save around 2 hours staying on I-77 ALL the way into

South Carolina, than picking up I-20 in Columbia, SC than head east to Florence, SC---(where you will end up following the ';long

route';). Staying on I-77 to I-20 you will be all expressway to Florence. The reason why Mapquest and the other mapping programs take you thru Mt. Airy is is the SHORTEST in miles.

What you need to do is mapquest from your starting point to

Mooresville, NC (use mapquest) than still using mapquest---map

from Mooresville to your EXACT hotel address (No you do not have to stop in Mooresville ;-). Also staying on I-77 it is a straight shot and you don%26#39;t have to worry about missing any turns. We have use this route the last 5 years and it is much better. Take out a map and look at it---esp. North Carolina and South Carolina. We had

friends son took one way there and our way back and he actually drove straight thru coming home (15 hours). Now I don%26#39;t know if I would want to do that.

Staying in Beckly is suppose to be a nice area, but want to tell you that going thru Mt. Airy your longer drive will be the 2nd day.

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