Monday, April 23, 2012

Anyone else get post MB depression?

I so want to go back! Returning to Ohio it has been nothing but rain and just dreary. Fall is coming but I am not ready! I need to stay away from this site with all the reminders of the beautiful weather, great beach and relaxation!

Real life just bites!

Is it just me????

Anyone else get post MB depression?

no, i feel the same way. it has been dreary and rainy ever since we got home. i miss the sunny beach, i just feel so good when i am there.

Anyone else get post MB depression?

I miss it too. Especially times like now where it jas been raining 3 straight days. What happened to summer? Where did it go? Put me on the 1st plane back to MB now! Back to work and reality now. Gotta make money to save for the fun times! I too have to stay off this sight as it makes me want to be there more and more.

Yea.. I haven%26#39;t even left yet.. but yes.. I know what you mean...

I have to plan other mini getaways..

like for example: NYC in the winter.. gives me something to look

forward to

Yes, anticipation is half the fun. What a letdown when it%26#39;s over. That%26#39;s when we start planning a winter trip!

Funny isn%26#39;t it?

You spend months planning and preparing, then wating and wishing time to go by fast then you get there and you want time to stop, then your back home a few days and it seems like you never went. Crazzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyy.

I%26#39;ve been back home 8 days, 7 hours, 33 minutes and 15 seconds at the time of this posting :(

mom4boys please take me with you, I promise not to get car sick.

I feel the same as the above poster.

Sweetie Pie.. Oh, no.. My oldest has it too...

have to go to pick up prescription at drugstore..

and RPatzio!! yea.. stand on I 95.. I will pick you up

I ALWAYS get post vacation depression. Even in the middle of our 8 nights in MB I shed a few tears because the thought of coming home was unbearable. After we returned home and I got into the swing of things again I was ok plus my husband was home for the week so it wasnt too bad. The thing I find is to book another vacation ASAP when you get home. That always puts me in a much better mood.

Wow, This post hit the spot. I%26#39;ve tried to stay away from this forum because It depressed me that my vacation is over and a long winter awaits me. I don%26#39;t even know when I will get back to MB. But as you can see, I peek at the forum once in awhile to see what%26#39;s going on in Mrytle beach. Thanks to all of you who share your thoughts. I guess I should be happy I was lucky enough to have such a wonderful vacation with the help of all your suggestions. Bye for now...

I don%26#39;t get depression - but sad! We usually go to MB in October, its beautiful down there - then we really enjoy the fall colors thru the Virginias, headed back up to MI. But when we are back sure seems like winter comes on quicker after being in the warmth and sun of MB...and coming back to darker nights and later mornings!

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