Friday, April 13, 2012

Anyone going to Myrtle Beach this weekend?

So bummed, read the news, here is the link to the Raleigh paper, looks like a storm or hurricane :(鈥?92791.html

Anyone going to Myrtle Beach this weekend?

The National Weather Service has been monitoring the low pressure system pretty closely and they don%26#39;t seem to think it is going to form or hit the coast at this point.

I%26#39;m keeping up with it as we are heading to Myrtle on Sunday but it seems to me that local papers and news are just getting overly excited.

Even if it forms into a depression it%26#39;s almost certain to change direction according to NWS and they can%26#39;t predict where for sure. So, it%26#39;s just as likely to drift out to sea or north to New England as it is to move towards South Carolina.

I%26#39;m keeping a close eye on it but nobody seems to think it will become anything at this point (except the NC area papers and TV who just love to jump on any possible excitement they can find so don%26#39;t trust them too much).

Anyone going to Myrtle Beach this weekend?

Matt 1983, thanks for the update and your thoughts on it. I so hope you are right. I dont want to change my vacation plans and have been looking forward to this trip. Can you update this thread as soon as you hear or know something? You seem to be so much more optimistic and I am in a tremendous down mood, so will be a great help.



I will. No new news yet on the site but I have been checking out the satellite loop:

Sure looks to me like it%26#39;s shifting towards the west. I know it could simply be perception due to the movement of the clouds but I%26#39;m looking for any positive signs here!

I%26#39;ll let you know when they issue the report with the data they get from the storm hunter airplane they have flying through the storm this afternoon.


we are staying at the Island Vista and I called them to check on the policy, was told that we can reschedule at no cost... but dont want to do that.

Will check in frequently,



Wow. Coincidences abound. My fiance%26#39; and I are actually staying at the Island Vista too.

Have you ever been there?

We%26#39;ve been to Myrtle countless times but this is our first visit to the Island Vista.

Very good to know about that policy should the worst happen. I was actually going to call them in the morning to check myself if the system starts developing at all.

News from the weather service:

Satellite imagery and reports from an air force reserve hurricane hunter aircraft indicate that the low pressure area centered about 375 miles west/southwest of Bermuda has not yet acquired the characteristics of a subtropical or tropical cyclone.

Most of the associated shower activity remains to the east of the center where winds to near gale force are occuring. The system is interacting with an upper level trough and upper level winds are currently not favorable for development.

Conditions may become more favorable as the low moves slowly and erratically....and a subtropical or tropical cyclone could possibly form during the next couple of days.

So, we aren%26#39;t completely out of the woods as it could form but so far there is no sign of formation so it%26#39;s going as well as it possibly could.

I %26#39;ll keep you informed when I hear more!

Yeah, I have been keeping my eyes glued to the link you gave me...keeping my fingers crossed...

So Island Vista specifically said that they would refund the money ONLY if there was an evacuation, however if we wanted to reschedule, then they would not charge anything. I asked about availability and they have none until mid October, for a 2 bedroom unit, and by then it will be too cold...

Have heard nothing but great news about Island Vista so hopefully this will be a nice trip, Look out for an Indian family with 2 small boys, 3 and will be us :)

Thanks for keeping me updated and will talk later. FINGERS AND TOES CROSSED!!!

ok, the depression has moved away completely...MB, here we come.

It sure looks that way!

The NWS basically says no change and the low pressure center has drifted a bit to the West but they still aren%26#39;t ruling out the possibility of development over the next day or so.

But if you look where it is now even if it does develop it sure looks like it would come in too far north to affect us.

I%26#39;ll keep an eye on the reports, they%26#39;re flying another weather plane through it today so I%26#39;ll let you know if that shows anything that we can%26#39;t see on the radar.

Alright! Update from the NWS. The Low Pressure system has continued to lose strength through the morning and has shifted to a more steady Northwesterly movement.

The system is still getting torn by high level winds which should continue to weaken it and any movement in the near future is expected to be to the North/Northwest towards even stronger high level winds.

They won%26#39;t completely guarantee it won%26#39;t develop but they now say ';there is still some chance this system could develop tropical cyclone characteristics'; which is much more pessimistic than their previous posts.

Lookin good!

  • cat
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