Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Long Bay trip report 811-8/18

We left Mason. Ohio at 600 am and arrived in MB 13 hours later at 7:00 pm.

Check in was a little slow but, professial.

The room was just as we reserved 2 queen restricted ocean front.I am so glad i did not spend $300 more for nonrestricted view.

The room was very clean and stocked.The maid changed the sheets everyday and the bed was more comfortable than mine out home.The maid did slack the last few days we were there by forgetting to replace things. The lightfixture above the table needed dusted but, I didn%26#39;t bother to ask her since she only spoke Spanish.

We had a full kitchen so we went to Kroger(by Giant Crab)(they were well stocked) to get groceries,

So we didn%26#39;t eat at Martin%26#39;s the hotel restaurant.

The hotel had 10 different types of pools.We loved them all, my favorite was the lazy river.

My 3 year old loved the sub pool. It had buckets and wheels to turn water off and on.

The pools were never very crowded and there was plenty of loungers.At night sometimes we were the only ones in the pool.

It was hard to carry beach stuff to the beach because of all loungers.

We did eat at the Oceanview cafe at the hotel and it was good.

They also had a snow cone and icecream stand.

Hubby hated parking deck but, it was better than some decks in mB since you have to park across the street.

We did eat out a few times but, we are not fancy eats and hate seafood so we just ate at Hardee%26#39;s (since we don%26#39;t have them here),

Plantation pancake house,Friendly%26#39;s, TGiF Fridays,Hungry Howie%26#39;s pzza( the pizza was good but, needed more sauce),and my favorite River City. I love the Blackened burger.

We relaxed most of the time but we did go to Alligator Adventure, which we really enjoyed and was educational, (we have been there before. Enjoyed it again this time.We also went to Family Kingdom one night and had lots of fun there.

We also drove out to The Garden City pier and loved that pier.

Overall We had a great trip and can%26#39;t wait til our next trip.

I dodn%26#39;t think it will be for a few years. We tend to Go to Daytona Beach more.We like universal studios and Disney, and sea World.

I can%26#39;t wait to try the Hard Rock Park.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to PM me.

Long Bay trip report 811-8/18

Great to hear from a fellow Buckeye. Glad you enjoyed your trip. We are also going to Disney. Taking the family there next March and then back to North Myrtle sometime next summer. I saw your comment on the pools, 10 is a lot. I%26#39;d be interested in seeing your pictures if you wish you can post them on this website. Check it out it is pretty neat. I just posted some this past week-end. Always looking for good places with lots of pools for the kids. We enjoyed where we stayed at but that is why I check out this site to see if anything catches my eye that looks great for kids. Thanks again for the report.

Long Bay trip report 811-8/18

Great report, sweetie pie!!

We did Alligator Adventure.. several times...

we never went to Family Kingdom... may have to check that out..

I see you mentioned Hard Rock Park. When is that going to open and where?

OSU you didn%26#39;t see it going up out on 501 near The Medevil dinner theater as you were coming into town? You may have came in on 22 then.

It is suppose to open up next year.

They are already selling tickets and giving a tour.Click on webcam and scroll all down the page for a view.

That%26#39;s right we avoided 501 and came in using route 22. Thanks for the info.

  • Need a soft, comfortable bed set
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