Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thank you.

I just wanted to thank everyone for all of the wonderful information. It made planning this vacation alot easier than I thought.

2 more days until I hit the beach.

Thank you.

';Hang on Sloopy'; between Rocky Top and Sloopy, only songs we ever hear! :o) Have a safe trip! Weather looks good and hot!

Thank you.


only 2 more days for us too.

Hey julywishes.. Where in Ohio are you coming from?? We leave from Massillon tomorrow for MB but don%26#39;t get into town until Sat!

Hopefully we all have a great trip!!

4BeachBirds %26amp; July,

From one Buckeye to another here%26#39;s hoping you have a great time. Hart1 knows her music doesn%26#39;t she! For those of you who don%26#39;t know Hang on Sloopy is a huge OSU song played during the games, after, at tailgate parties, etc... Next thing they%26#39;ll be dotting the i for Script OHIO down there in Myrtle Beach with all those Buckeyes that visit each year. I drew GO BUCKS in the sand and many people yelled GO Bucks when they walked past it just last week while I was there.

2 more days for me too!!

We will be arriving Sunday. Of course ~ I am only and hour and 1/2 away. :o)

4beachbirds, we are from Austintown (right next to canfield %26amp; youngstown). I am so excited and I can not wait to leave the bodyshop %26amp; get my toes in the sand.

OSU, yes I know the song. I already have my fav. OSU t-shirt packed.

hart, thanks for all of your posts.: )

Heard the song 2 times last night at Ocean Annies- OHIO is well represented! Beautiful evening last night, sitting on the deck listening to music and the waves crashing on shore. Doesn%26#39;t get any better then that. For those of you coming in this week I know you are excited-we have some slight chances of rain, and we so need it, but I know vacationers dont%26#39; want it.


I grew up in Austintown, one of nine kids! (6 boys and 3 girls, I was #7). Have a great time. Also, I know of some others from our area who post on this forum. i think they are MUDMAN, Redsplashman, Lipdawg, and myself. If you know of any others let me know. You never know when we can pass information to each other since we%26#39;re all so close. I think TA should do some kind of zip code thing where you can view members from your area for reference.

hart, I do not mind the rain because we will just find things to do inside but I am looking foward to relaxing in the sun next to the ocean too.

OSU, I grew up here too. Class of 92. Have you heard of Superior?


Superior does not ring a bell. Don%26#39;t worry about the weather. Before we left two weeks ago they were calling for 60% chance of rain for like half the time we were there. Never saw any rain and when it did rain it was a 10 minute showere durin dinner time. We did have one mostly cloudy day though but excellent weather overall.

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